Sunday 29 May 2011

Six Sigma Alternatives.

In past years, there have been many instances and evolutions of quality improvement programs. Scrutiny of the programs will show much similarity and also clear distinctions between such programs and Six Sigma. Similarities include common tools and methods, concepts of continuous improvement, and even analogous steps in the improvement framework. Differences have been articulated as follows:
  • Six Sigma speaks the language of business. It specifically addresses the concept of making the business as profitable as possible.
  • In Six Sigma, quality is not pursued independently from business goals. Time and resources are not spent improving something that is not a lever for improving customer satisfaction.
  • Six Sigma focuses on achieving tangible results.
  • Six Sigma does not include specific integration of ISO900 or Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award criteria.
  • Six Sigma uses an infrastructure of highly trained employees from many sectors of the company (not just the Quality Department). These employees are typically viewed as internal change agents.
  • Six Sigma raises the expectation from 3-sigma performance to 6-sigma. Yet, it does not promote "Zero Defects" which many people dismiss as "impossible." 

Six Sigma Costs and Limitations

Institutionalizing Six Sigma into the fabric of a corporate culture can require significant investment in training and infrastructure. There are typically three different levels of expertise cited by companies: Green Belt, Black Belt Practitioner, Master Black Belt. Each level has increasingly greater mastery of the skill set. Roles and responsibilities also grow from each level to the next, with Black Belt Practitioners often in team/project leadership roles and Master Black Belts often in mentoring/teaching roles. The infrastructure needed to support the Six Sigma environment varies. Some companies organize their trained Green/Black Belts into a central support organization. Others deploy Green/Black Belts into organizations based on project needs and rely on communities of practice to maintain cohesion.

Six Sigma and City Government

·         Fort Wayne has implemented Six Sigma to improve customer service and increase the effectiveness of city government. Data based decision-making and empowerment of employees are key components to the success of the program.
·         Top companies have produced outstanding results with Six Sigma. Motorola, General Electric and Allied Signal dramatically cut costs, increased profits and improved customer service by using this system.
·         Six Sigma is new to City government. Fort Wayne may be the first City in the country to implement Six Sigma. Mayor Richard wanted to capitalize on the many benefits it could bring to Fort Wayne government.
·         The use of Six Sigma demonstrates the city’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. Reduction of variation and defects within a process is the goal.
·         Six Sigma is a disciplined approach to problem solving using data, statistical analysis and a diverse team of employees knowledgeable about the process or service to be improved. Teamwork is crucial to the success of each Six Sigma project.
Mayor Richard’s vision to bring a high powered private sector program to government has not only enhanced services for Fort Wayne citizens, but has also created a culture of renewed enthusiasm among employees to do their jobs better.

Motorola's Six Sigma Program

In 1988, Motorola Corp. became one of the first companies to receive the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The award strives to identify those  excellent firms that are worthy role models for other businesses. One of Motorola's innovations that attracted a great deal of attention was its Six Sigma program. Six Sigma is, basically, a process quality goal. As such, it falls into the category of a process capability (Cp) technique.
The traditional quality paradigm defined a process as capable if the process's natural spread, plus and minus three sigma, was less than the engineering tolerance. Under the assumption of normality, this translates to a process yield of 99.73 percent. A later refinement considered the process location as well as its spread (Cpk) and tightened the minimum acceptable so that the process was at least four sigma from the nearest engineering requirement. Motorola's Six Sigma asks that processes operate such that the nearest engineering requirement is at least plus or minus six sigma from the process mean.
Motorola's Six Sigma program also applies to attribute data. This is accomplished by converting the Six Sigma requirement to equivalent conformance levels (see Figure 1).
One of Motorola's most significant contributions was to change the discussion of quality from one where quality levels were measured in percentages (parts per hundred) to a discussion of parts per million or even parts per billion. Motorola correctly pointed out that modern technology was so complex that old ideas about acceptable quality levels were no longer acceptable.
One puzzling aspect of the "official" Six Sigma literature is that it states that a process operating at Six Sigma levels will produce 3.4 parts-per-million nonconformances. However, if a normal distribution table is consulted (very few go out to six sigma), one finds that the expected nonconformances are 0.002 parts per million (two parts per billion). The difference occurs because Motorola presumes that the process mean can drift 1.5 sigma in either direction. The area of a normal distribution beyond 4.5 sigma from the mean is indeed 3.4 parts per million. Because control charts will easily detect any process shift of this magnitude in a single sample, the 3.4 parts per million represents a very conservative upper bound on the nonconformance rate.

The Six Steps To Six Sigma Using

·         Step  1 - Identify the product you create or the service you provide

In other words ... WHAT DO YOU DO?

·         Step  2 - Identify the Customer(s) for your product or service, and determine what they consider important i.e. Customer Requirements


·         Step  3 - Identify your needs (to provide product/service so that it satisfies the Customer)

In other words ... WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO YOUR WORK?

·         Step  4 - Define the process for doing your work

In other words ... HOW DO YOU DO YOUR WORK?

·         Step  5 - Mistake-proof the process and eliminate wasted efforts using...


·         Step 6 - Ensure continuous improvement by measuring, analyzing and controlling the improved process using DAMIC – (Define, Measure,Analyze,Improve,Control)


Ensure continuous improvement by measuring, analyzing and controlling the improved process from Step #5

I was on board at Motorola when they conceived the 6 sigma concepts, (1985), and actually wrote the very first six sigma software. I believe the most useful part is the concept of Six Sigma is design margins. I worked directly with the late Bill Smith and others to develop software to meet Motorola's Six Sigma Concepts.

Benefits of Six Sigma

There are numerous benefits of six sigma as a way to address  issues and problems.  Among the benefits of six sigma is the decrease in defects that are allowed to reach the customer.  You can get some sense of the benefits of six sigma by reviewing some six sigma projects. Other benefits of six sigma  include:

Six Sigma Training Levels

·         Once committed to Six Sigma methodology, learning can be organized by degree of employee involvement:
  • Yellow Belt
  • Green Belt
  • Black Belt
  • Master Black Belt
  • Champion
Yellow Belt is a relatively new level, not yet widely accepted. A three- to five-day quick overview gives participants a basic understanding of the Six Sigma methodology, including DMAIC and simple statistical methods. It is often done on-site, given the large number of employees who can participate. Many organizations have gone directly to Green Belt training for all those working on projects. Other approaches may include one-day overviews delivered on-site for upward of $585 per person, followed by Green Belt training.
Green Belt is the role of project participant. Training is typically two weeks, separated by about a month so that the learner can participate in a Six Sigma project. Training consists of the application of DMAIC, project planning, process analysis and statistical analysis. Certification as a Green Belt requires work on a project with a reasonable bottom-line improvement, e.g., $75,000 as quoted by one training supplier. A typical program could cost $5,000 if accessed though open enrollment, not including travel and accommodations. This training is more often done on-site to accrue substantial savings per participant. Some organizations have used successful Green Belts as project leaders.
Black Belt plays the role of project leader and sometimes as coach for a number of projects. Considered the key change agent, the Black Belt must be technically oriented, a master of the advanced tools and a project leader. Training is delivered over four weeks separated so that the learner can lead a Six Sigma project. Training consists of advanced statistical methods, project leadership and advanced Six Sigma methods. Certification as a Black Belt requires leading a project with a higher bottom-line improvement, possibly $150,000. A typical program could cost upward of $20,000 if done as an open enrollment, often the preferred training since an organization would need only about one Black Belt per 50 employees.
Master Black Belt has the role of senior leader, manager of Black Belts, internal consultant and in-house trainer. Training lasts four weeks at minimum, often more depending on additional content. The weeks are separated so that the learner can lead a Six Sigma project. Training consists of advanced statistical methods, project leadership, Six Sigma methods, training capabilities and leadership and communication skills. Certification as a Master Black Belt requires work on three successful projects as a Black Belt. A typical program could cost more than $40,000. Open enrollment is the preferred delivery since an organization would only need one per major business site or unit.
The Champion role is the senior management leader of the Six Sigma implementation. Training of three to four days includes the basics of Six Sigma and is designed to prepare the Champion to give leadership to the Six Sigma team. A typical program could cost upward of $3,000. Open enrollment is the preferred method since an organization would only need one per major business site or unit.
The Executive Overview is offered to leaders and managers who should gain an understanding of “why” and “how” before embarking on a Six Sigma implementation. Training is completed in one day, typically at a cost of $350 per person. Open enrollment, often in major cities, and on-site delivery are available.
Master Black Belt Tom Riley, DuPont’s Global Services Business, shared some learning from the enterprise-wide Six Sigma training effort, which boasts great success: “Don’t start if you are not committed! Pick your best people to be Black Belts, Master Black Belts and Champions. Don’t let statistical purists run the process, and be sure to reward and recognize Black Belts who drive culture change.” 

Six Sigma Organizational Architecture

Sigma is a quality methodology that can produce significant benefit to businesses and organizations. Not much text, however, has been written about the structure needed to successfully implement Six Sigma quality within your business or organization. This article will focus on roles and responsibilities, as well as required rewards and recognition for a successful Six Sigma quality program.


Determines the scope and purpose of the project and includes a project charter, a process map of the problem to be investigated and analysis to determine the voice of the customer (VOC), resulting I critical to quality variables,or CTQ’s (sometimes CTC, critical to customers)
The collection of information on the current situation. Base line data on defects and possible causes are collected and plotted, and sigma capability levels are calculated
Determines the root causes of defects and explore and organize potential causes.
The development of solution that are implemented to remove the root causes and then measured and evaluated for desired result.
Standardizes the improvement process to maintain the gains. The new standard practices are documented, and performance is monitored

Sigma Capabilities

Б Capability
Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
Yield (no defects)
To ensure that the process works, a series of steps is undertaken in every Six Sigma project: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control, commonly referred to as DMAIC. (See Table 2.) Six Sigma requires training of key personnel involved in the projects and oversight management of the program. Training activities have evolved to a set of generally accepted levels known as Yellow Belts, Green Belts, Black Belts, Master Black Belts and Champions, defined later, who all contribute increasingly complex levels of capability in Six Sigma process and management

Six Sigma Defined

Six Sigma is a data-driven, methodical program of continuous and breakthrough improvement focused on customers and their critical requirements. Sigma refers to the Greek symbol (s) that represents the amount of variation in a process. The lower the variation in a process, the fewer defective parts or service transactions are produced, and the higher the Sigma number. The ultimate goal is to eliminate defects and errors and the costs associated with poor quality. After defining which performance measures represent Critical to Customer (CTC) requirements, data are collected on the number of defects and then translated into a sigma number. A sigma of 6 translates to 3.4 defects per million opportunities. (See Table 1.) It is common to find 3 to 4 sigma levels in many manufacturing processes, and 2 or 3 sigma in transactional businesses. Moving from 3 to 4 sigma could be classified as continuous improvement. The breakthroughs occur when a process is improved to the 6 sigma level, almost perfect quality. For example, U.S. daily mail delivery at the 4 sigma level would result in the loss of 20,000 pieces of mail each hour. If mail delivery were at the 6 sigma level, the result would be the loss of seven pieces of mail each hour. 

Introducing Six Sigma.

Six Sigma is a business improvement concept that focuses on meeting the needs of customers and bottom line benefit to your organisation. The goal is to provide defect-free business processes with customer satisfaction and improvement being the driving forces.
Six Sigma was established in 1987 through the Motorola Six Sigma quality program. The program gained publicity when Motorola won the Malcolm Baldrige quality prize in the USA and further development of the concept took place in the early 1990’s with companies like General Electric, ABB, Honeywell and Allied Signal. Each of these organisations has boasted significant reductions in costs.
Sigma is a character of the Greek alphabet that is used in mathematical statistics to define standard deviation. The concept of standard deviation relates to how tightly all the various outputs of a process are clustered around the mean in a set of data.
In statistical terms, Six Sigma means that if there were 1 million opportunities for a defect to occur, there would only be 3.4 defects. Therefore, defects or problems in the processes have been removed to the point where the quality of the output is near perfect. Six Sigma is seen as the ultimate goal in achieving near perfect processes through continual improvement.
Six Sigma is undertaken through the development and management of projects, led by improvement specialists (Green Belts and Black Belts). Each person is given key responsibilities for analysing information that will have an impact on improving processes and customer satisfaction.
The most common tool used for Six Sigma improvement is the Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control (D-M-A-I-C) cycle. This approach focuses on ensuring that the improvement is clearly defined and measured, through a data-driven and disciplined approach. Data is analysed to identify problems and the improvement is consolidated through process controls. 

Six Sigma

Six Sigma (6) is a business-driven, multi-faceted approach to process improvement, reduced costs, and increased profits. With a fundamental principle to improve customer satisfaction by reducing defects, its ultimate performance target is virtually defect-free processes and products (3.4 or fewer defective parts per million (ppm)). The Six Sigma methodology, consisting of the steps "Define - Measure - Analyze - Improve - Control," is the roadmap to achieving this goal. Within this improvement framework, it is the responsibility of the improvement team to identify the process, the definition of defect, and the corresponding measurements. This degree of flexibility enables the Six Sigma method, along with its toolkit, to easily integrate with existing models of software process implementation.
                         Six Sigma originated at Motorola in the early 1980s in response to a CEO-driven challenge to achieve tenfold reduction in product-failure levels in five years. Meeting this challenge required swift and accurate root-cause analysis and correction. In the mid-1990s, Motorola divulged the details of their quality improvement framework, which has since been adopted by several large manufacturing companies. 

Evolution of Quality


* There is evidence  that  the quality of products have been monitored for a long time back in history.
* Even in the stone age, man used to stone tool for survival by hunting. survival depended on the quality of his tool.
* Today also quality is very essential for survival. The only difference between th e past and present is that the method of attaining and sustaining quality has improved / changed over the years and has attained to  the level seen today (TQM). 

Definition of Total Quality Management (TQM)


TQM in an integrated organization approach in delighting customers (both external and internal) by meeting their expectations on a continuous basis through everyone involved with the organization working on continuous improvement in all products / processes along with proper problem solving methodology.